Noho marae stay

Last term challenge academy went on a noho marae stay,the two year eight classes went first for two nights,on Wednesday morning the year eight challenge academy students went to Tunohopu Marae in Ohinemutu,when we got there we were welcomed on to the marae and whaea Rea's dad done a whai korero and we Un packed our stuff into the room by the whare kai,the boys slept in the marae. a lady called june grant done a speech and showed us her art she said she deveoped cancer and she done some art about her cancer.on that day in the afternoon we walked to the museum and done lots of activitys about maori culture, we went into this room up stairs and talked about rotorua,after we finished our activitys room 14 students and teacher whent to watch a movie, that movie showed how the tarawera mountain erupted,the chairs started to shake we were sitting in the dark,then it was all over and the movie showed how Rotorua regained people after the eruption.Did you know when you see the movie in the mueseum it will show the pink and white terraces,it use to be here along time ago but when mt tarawera erupted the terraces was completely gone!,then we went out and room 12 whent in.After they were finshed watching the movie, we walked back to the marae, then we were allowed to change into our mufty clothes,we done a little bit of sports then dinner was ready,after dinner some people started to help clean up the kitchen and they get pace points,we had some play time, after that we watched a movie called bed time storys then the boys went to the marae to got to sleep.Day two we had to get up in the morning at 7:00 am and have a wash and get breakfast ready,then we had berak fast mrs Heartley made ten groups and ten captins and i was the captin of group six,all the groups earned points for participating in sports activitys,and technology rotations,then we went up the road to the cemertary (Urupa) an to look at the church nikki taught the boys to do maurakau they done alot of running and yelling,at night the boys went straight to bed and the girls watched bolt,and whaea Rea was putting makeup on lots of girls faces,we didnt get to bed until late then some one was talking and we had to go out side and do press ups and sit ups in the cold then we went back to sleep,then some body was talking then we had to wake up in the middle of the night to clean the toilets up then we went back to sleep.Day three, we had to pack up our stuff into our bags and have breakkie and have a wash, then at 8:30am the year sevens came and then we welcomed them on to the marae,all the year 8s put their bags at the front of the whare kai and we walked to the lake front to do waka ama, it was fun ,then we had lunch,after lunch we walked back to the marae to fill our water bottles up ,then we went to the aquatic pools.After that we got on the bus and went back to school and that what we did at the noho marae stay in term 1!!.

This is me out side of the I.C.T room
at kaitao middle school!